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Hair removal methods
in the course of time

Shaving, Sugaring, Waxing, Epilation

Hair removal methods are all methods called that remove hair from your body. The most common methods are the classic wet shave, sugaring, warm wax, cold wax, epilation, depilatory cream and modern methods such as IPL, SHR or laser (photoepilation) for a permanent hair removal*.
The main reason for hair removal are often hygienic, aesthetic or religious aspects. In contrast to the primates, body hair has almost no function nowadays, why it’s felt to be disturbing by many people.

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Especially for sexually active people permanent hair removal* at the whole body became more and more popular and created today’s beauty ideals. This trend is also becoming an issue for men. The established man of today is well-groomed and completely depilated especially on the chest, abdomen and intimate area. Hair removal at the legs are still a taboo for most men, although many athletes fall back on it to minimize air resistance or to simplify the treatment of skin abrasions.

Early razors consisted of fire stone, stone knives and mussel shells and were not comparable to today’s high-tech methods. Archaeologists found the first shaving tools from the 6th millennium BC. South American indigenous people preferred the plucking of hair, and even in ancient Egypt, women removed hair in the intimate area to exert a special charm on men. In the USA, especially from 1915 to 1945, the removal of female body hair was an expression of femininity. This trend also reached European women in 1945 and has remained to this day. Since that hair removal methods have become more and more sophisticated. The most common are presented here.

Rasur Geschichte alte Enthaarungsmethoden

The classic wet shaving is still the most popular method for hair removal, although there are numerous disadvantages. Shaving foam is applied to the treating areas before shaving or the shaving is carried out during the shower. However, the effect of smooth skin does not last very long, because even after a very short time stubbles form. In addition, reddening, skin irritation or ingrown hairs can occur. Regular shaving also results in high costs for razor blades, which become blunt too fast. In the case of incorrect application, a wet shave can lead to cuts which can be very unpleasant especially in sensitive areas.


  • ● painless
  • ● the treatment is uncomplicated and fast
  • ● razors are available in every drugstore


  • ● reddening and skin irritation may occur
  • ● treatment must be repeated at daily intervals
  • ● risk to cut oneself
  • ● no permanent hair removal*

Brazilian Waxing is a form of hair removal in the intimate area. Both women and men can use it. Heatwax (classic waxing) or sugar paste (sugaring) are parts of it.

In comparison to the wet shaving, hair is not cut off, but is removed directly at the root. Therefore, the effect of the smooth skin lasts significantly longer, because stubble does not form after a few days compared to shaving. In addition, hair grows slower and thinner after the treatment, which makes the further less painful. A permanent hair removal* cannot be achieved. The treatment intervals can be extended up to four weeks, which is a considerable advantage comparing the classic shaving.

For the pretreatment of the skin, it is advisable to take a warm bath before starting the hair removal or to apply warm compresses to the areas you want to treat. This allows to removed hair more easily, which makes the treatment a little less painful. After that the skin areas are treated first with a skin disinfection spray. For very greasy areas, skin powder is applied. Then the wax is applied to the skin with a wooden spatula. After the wax is hardened hair is removed with a jerky movement against the direction of the hair growth. After successful hair removal, a soothing skin lotion is applied finally.


  • ● hair grows slower and thinner
  • ● stubble formation after a long time
  • ● the result lasts several weeks (approximately 4 weeks treatment interval)
  • ● treatments are very cheap
  • ● there is a lot of cosmetics studios available


  • ● very painful
  • ● the treatment can only take place with a hair length of a few millimeters
  • ● must be repeated every 4 weeks
  • ● no permanent hair removal*

Sugaring belongs to the group of epilation hair removal methods and enjoys increasing popularity in Germany. The sugar paste is usually made from sugar and lemon juice. The sugar paste is applied at room temperature and, in contrast to the hot waxing, must not previously be heated. As a result, treatment errors such as burns caused by excessively hot wax can be completely excluded. The sugar paste is applied to the desired area and must cure briefly. After that, the hair is pulled off in the direction of growth, which prevents breaking or ingrown hairs. The effect of hair removal is maintained for several weeks as in the case of waxing. Allergy sufferers can produce their own sugar paste which prevents allergic reactions.


  • ● hair grows slower and thinner
  • ● stubble formation after a long time
  • ● the result lasts several weeks (approximately 4 weeks treatment interval)
  • ● treatments are very cheap
  • ● there is a lot of cosmetics studios available


  • ● very painful
  • ● the treatment can only take place with a hair length of a few millimeters
  • ● must be repeated every 4 weeks
  • ● no permanent hair removal*

During the treatment with hot wax, the wax is first heated and liquefied. Care should be taken to ensure that the wax is not too hot, otherwise severe burns may occur. Then the warm wax is applied to the desired area and smoothed out. Paper or cotton tissues are now applied to it and the wax has to cure briefly.Once this is done, the tissues are removed with a jerky movement against the hair growth. This will remove the hair and wax. This process is very painful.


  • ● hair grows slower and thinner
  • ● stubble formation after a long time
  • ● the result lasts several weeks (approximately 4 weeks treatment interval)
  • ● treatments are very cheap
  • ● there is a lot of cosmetics studios available


  • ● very painful
  • ● the treatment can only take place with a hair length of a few millimeters
  • ● must be repeated every 4 weeks
  • ● risk of burning
  • ● no permanent hair removal*

Also in the case of the cold waxing process, wax is applied to the skin. However, the cold wax is already on finished cold wax strips and does not have to be heated before. The risk of burning is excluded. The cold wax strips are applied to the skin. After a short break, the wax strips are removed in a jerky manner, which causes an unpleasant pain.


  • ● hair grows slower and thinner
  • ● stubble formation after a long time
  • ● the result lasts several weeks (approximately 4 weeks treatment interval)
  • ● treatments are very cheap
  • ● there is a lot of cosmetics studios available


  • ● very painful
  • ● the treatment can only take place with a hair length of a few millimeters
  • ● must be repeated every 4 weeks
  • ● no permanent hair removal*

Hair is torn out by an electrical device with this method. Therefore it’s a very painful procedure. However, hair grows back too and the procedure has to be repeated. In addition, epilators are cheap and can be used over the device’s lifetime after the purchase. Consumption material as in the case of waxing or sugaring is not needed, which saves long-term costs.


  • ● hair grows slower and thinner
  • ● stubble formation after a long time
  • ● the result lasts several weeks (approximately 4 weeks treatment interval)
  • ● epilation devices are cheap
  • ● there is no need for expendable materials


  • ● very painful
  • ● the treatment can only take place with a hair length of a few millimeters
  • ● must be repeated every 4 weeks
  • ● only small areas can be treated at the same time
  • ● no permanent hair removal*

In the case of a treatment with depilatory cream, the cream is applied to the desired area for approx. 10 – 30 minutes. The ingredients attack the melanin in the hair. Each hair can easily be removed with a spatula. This method of hair removal lasts approximately one week and has to be repeated regularly. However, hair removal with depilatory cream is not suitable for allergic persons and people with sensitive skin. Skin reddening and allergic reactions to the aggressive ingredients can occur very quickly.


  • ● the treatment is painless


  • ● the treatment is very time-consuming
  • ● there may occur reddening and allergic reactions
  • ● treatment must be repeated weekly

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