Differences in hair removal
for men and women

Even if the method remains the same, there are gender-specific differences in terms of the application area and motivation for hair removal. While women often focus on the aesthetics of a completely hairless body, many men only remove excessive hair growth or hair in specific areas. With us, you will always find the right treatment for your needs and receive expert advice on permanent hair removal*.
Hair removal women
Attractive smooth skin for women
Hairless body parts are considered particularly aesthetic and well-groomed, especially among women. A study found that about 97% of women remove their hair themselves. This is usually done on the legs, armpits, arms, and in the bikini area. It is primarily young women who extensively deal with the topic. In recent years, an increasing number of women in middle and advanced age are also turning to hair removal methods.

About 30% of women suffer from excessive hair growth, especially in areas that are more commonly associated with male body hair. This is often considered unaesthetic and can lead to feelings of shame and inferiority complexes.

Methods of hair removal for women
Die gängigsten Methoden sind zumeist die Nassrasur. Auch schmerzhaftes Epilieren oder Wachsen gehört zu den Entfernungspraktiken. Dabei sind die Nachteile deutlich spürbar: Die Haut wird gereizt und reagiert oft mit Irritationen. Weiterhin muss die Anwendung regelmäßig wiederholt werden, da die Haare immer wieder nachwachsen. Viele Frauen wünschen sich eine einfache und vor allem dauerhafte Methode, die Zeit spart und dennoch gründlich wirkt. Egal, ob Sie sich glatte Haut im gesamten Jahr wünschen oder übermäßige Behaarung loswerden möchten: Die dauerhafte Haarentfernung* bietet die perfekte Lösung. Sie vereint alle Faktoren, auf die es ankommt: Sanft und effizient setzen wir auf unsere Expertise und unsere wirkungsvolle Technik, so dass Sie ganz zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit behandelt werden.
Hair removal men
Hair removal is also becoming a topic for men
Hair removal is increasingly becoming a topic for men. While body hair is still considered masculine, excessive hair growth is often perceived as unerotic by women. As a result, more and more men are turning to hair removal. 79% of men regularly remove body hair, and the trend is on the rise. Many men, especially on the back, chest, or abdomen, are affected by an excess of hair, and quite a few suffer from it.

Methods of hair removal for men
Common methods like wet or dry shaving and waxing, however, come with disadvantages. It is often challenging to remove the hair oneself, as the area to be shaved is difficult or impossible to reach. Additionally, the removal is not permanent* and needs to be repeated. Furthermore, the skin can become irritated, and waxing, in particular, is painful. As a result, more and more men are discovering the pleasant and permanent XENOgel Technology to remove unwanted body hair.
Expert advice and treatment
The trend toward smooth skin has now also reached men. They, too, desire a removal that lasts as long as possible and is efficient. Our institute in Heidelberg offers expert advice and well-trained staff in a pleasant atmosphere. The treatments are tailored to individual needs, ensuring that you are treated to your satisfaction.