Discreet permanent* intimate hair removal
for men

body region male permanent hair removal intimate area testicles

Well-groomed appearance in the intimate area

Become your own ideal image

The modern man has high standards concerning his appearance and that affects every part of the body. Of course the intimate area is a part of it. Unpleasant hair can counteract your ideal image. Even if you shave daily, disturbing stubble or unsightly red spots appear all over again.

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Gentle hair removal

Effective removal of hair with light

Forget about old-fashioned hair removal methods and learn more about our procedures with light. Even in the intimate area these methods are very skin friendly and almost painless. The modern XENOgel technology will convince you.

Photo collection man treatment testicles intimate area

Shine in every situation

You have planned an unexpected but promising date? Don’t worry about it. Your intimate area will look perfect …for ever*. In contrast to other methods the permanent hair removal allows an easier life. Just wear your desired underwear. No problem. You won’t recognize one hair.

Most modern technology & discretion

The attraction par excellence

Push your self confidence with a permanent hair removal. Don’t only excite yourself but your partner. You will be amazed which advantages a permanent smooth and therefore well groomed male intimate area will have.You will definitely feel more attractive and carefree because you know: Everything looks just perfect. Even those parts most of the people are not allowed to see. Do yourself something good with the permanent hair removal* in the intimate area and indulge the luxury which not only gives you pure aesthetic but freedom.

Photo collection man treatment testicles intimate area

Most modern technology

Let yourself be carried away by our modern technology into the world of the future. Especially in sensitive areas absolute caution is needed. With our technology which is in advance of the common IPL method we achieve perfect, painless and skin friendly results.

Logo Haarfreiheit for him

In good hands

Our specially educated medical staff will take care of your wish discretely. We want you to feel relaxed and won’t have any worries during the treatment.

Become your ideal image … at every part of your body.


Give us a call or write to us:


Phone: 06221 / 187 67 67


WhatsApp: 06221 – 187 67 67


Mail: info@haarfreiheit-heidelberg.de


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Appointment & consultation