Bannerbild dauerhafte Haarentfernung Brust Bauch

Smooth skin
Breasts and Belly

Permanent removal of
Body hair on chest and abdomen

Sensual Skin Experience

supple skin on chest and abdomen

Chest Belly Body Region Photos Permanent Hair Removal Women

Hair growth in the chest and abdomen tends to occur more frequently in men. The reason for this are hormones that lead to more pronounced hair growth in men. Nevertheless, a not insignificant number of women have to struggle with unwanted hair. Some women have hair on their chest or abdomen. This too has a hormonal cause and is often genetic. As a result, the respective severity may vary. Instead of a light hair plum, strong dark hair is formed. This often leads to frustration and a diminished sense of one’s own femininity. It doesn’t have to be. However, epilating the abdomen is extremely painful. Hair on the abdomen or chest can be easily removed. Trust the experts of hair freedom and start with us into a hair-free future, so that you can be yourself again. And all without annoying hair and constant control. Convince yourself of the professional result.

XENOgel Technology Infographic Mode of action

However, in devices that work with the Intensive Pulse (IPL), the skin can be heated by a heat pulse of up to 70°C, which is very painful. During the treatment, discomfort may occur due to the heat impulse. The situation is different with XENOgel Technology. This procedure is not only painless. The advantages of the treatment are mainly in the precision and the result. After the treatment, shaving or epilation is never necessary again.

During hair removal with XENOgel® Technology, a small area on the chest is irradiated with light, which results in hair loss after a few days. The light used has a very high energy. It is easy to see that light is energy-rich in a glass house or a car in summer. Here, the energy of light is converted into heat at up to 45° Celsius. The proteins of the follicle which are responsible for the food supply of the follicle absorb the heat energy and are thereby denatured. Temperatures around 42° destroy the protein structures of the hair – as is the case with fever, for example – and lead to the desired result. The surrounding skin is not attacked, but only warmed up. No UV light or other ionizing radiation is emitted, which could damage the tissue. There is no risk of combustion due to the low temperature.

The duration of the treatment may vary. This is due to the individual diagnosis. The density, but also the structure and the skin type play a major role. However, the breast can often be treated in 8 to 10 sessions. Many customers find the costs expensive. But in the long run, the treatment pays off considerably by saving shaving and waxing – not to mention the regained quality of life and joy.

Woman Advice Photoepilation Belly at Hair Freedom Heidelberg

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