Wabenhintergrund Heidelberg Haare

Hair removal
body areas

The face as well as chin and upper lip are body parts other people are looking at daily. These hair are unaesthetic and should be removed. The long-term hair removal allows an attractive appearance for all time. Find out more about our packages and individual treatments.

Both the eyebrows and the forehead are important areas in the face, which immediately attracts attention on others. Asymmetries and annoying hair are immediately apparent. A permanent hair removal* helps to create a long-term well-groomed appearance. We offer both packages and individual treatments.

The problem of a strong hair growth in the area of ​ the neck and nape mostly affects men and is rarely concealed well. We at Haarfreiheit Heidelberg remove reliably and discreetly the annoying hair growth and help you to get a more beautiful appearance and smooth skin. Find out more about our customized treatments.

This form of hair removal is the most common. Among women it is very established and even men discover the trend of hairless armpits. The repetition of shaving or epilation over and over again is felt by most to be annoying. Permanent hair removal* is a gentle alternative that saves time and spares nerves. Get some more information about individual treatments in your institute “Haarfreiheit Heidelberg”.

Whether in the summer with short-sleeved clothing or in winter: hairless arms always look well-groomed. In the case of Haarfreiheit Heidelberg, there are offers for the upper and lower arm section as well as combined packages to be able to treat you to your fullest satisfaction.

Hands are often referred to as our business cards and hair growth on the hand is unpleasant.With a permanent hair removal, you can easily get well-groomed hands – in the long term. We provide you with many good offers.

Hair on the nipples are considered unattractive and so they are often removed. Men with a smooth chest are often perceived as handsome and well-groomed. With the help of the permanent hair removal*, you can reach this goal – find out about our offers.

Hair on the upper and lower back often occur but cause an unkempt appearance. For this problem there is a simple and long-term solution: The permanent hair removal* guarantees a gentle and thorough removal of the hair. Let us prepare a suitable treatment package tailored to your needs.

Whether male or female, a hairy abdomen is considered unaesthetic. For this reason, it has been usual for a long time to use permanent hair removal* at this point. Also on the meridian line, the central and vertical line through the navel, many customers want to have hair removed. Pain-free and long-term, the abdomen becomes hair-free. Especially in summer, many customers contact us with their request.

Especially during the warm season, it is common to have the disturbing and unaesthetic hair removed in the intimate area and in the bikini zone. This applies to both men and women. With Haarfreiheit Heidelberg you will find cheap offers of treatments specially adapted to your needs.

Hair on the buttocks are embarrassing and unpleasant for many people. Here at Haarfreiheit Heidelberg we have the necessary professionalism and discretion to remove the hair gently and permanently, whether with a combination package or individual treatment.

Especially since the 90s it is customary for women to remove the hair on the legs completely. Hairless legs are beautiful and not only the stars and starlets will have the privilege of a permanent hair removal*.  More and more men also discover the trend of hairless legs and do it the same as ladies do. Whether only on the lower legs or on the thighs, you will find the right treatment for your individual needs.


Give us a call or write to us:


Phone: 06221 / 187 67 67


WhatsApp: 06221 – 187 67 67


Mail: info@haarfreiheit-heidelberg.de


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